Legal disclaimer and privacy policy
Legal disclaimer :
Here at Proven Quality, substantial amounts of time, effort and research is expended on all of the original content that is available within this site. As such, we ask that you are respectful of the appropriate copyright(s) and intellectual property rights attached to such content.
We do take the matter of privacy very seriously, as such, please see out privacy policy by clicking here.
Each and every one of us here at Proven Quality, does not purport or insinuate to be making comments and/or any representation on behalf of any football club or organisation, or indeed that any or all such comments are endorsed by such football club or organisation or individual(s) that may be referred too. We merely report (in good faith) on topics of interest from the world of football and sport in general, from Europe and around the world (we are resourceful you know!)… They are only opinions! (Freedom of speech and all that!)
All of the comments and information, expressions or interpretations that appear on this site, are intended to be as a guide and for information purposes only. It is not to be considered as an exhaustive authority upon the subject or subjects, and is based solely upon the individual writer(s) own knowledge, understanding and readings. Indeed, great care is taken to ensure that any comments or expressions used within this website are not defamatory. If you feel anything that is written within this site is not within your own personal beliefs, then please feel free to comment. That is half of the fun… It’s called ‘banter’!
Any links to any other sites referred to herein, are intended as a reference only, and no liability shall be attached thereto to any of the content referred. By clicking on any link, or video link within this site, you accept full responsibility for accessing any content within this site and any external site or such content that may appear on those sites that may have been accessed through a link within this website. We are not responsible, either morally or legally liable in any way for any information, footage, and verbiage or otherwise that may appear on any such external website.
We ask that you carefully note that the entire contents of this website are subject to copyright. Any unauthorised copying or disseminating of any of the contents herein is strictly prohibited. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form, or the contents referred to herein, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without permission in writing of the author of the material, or the webmaster, without specific reference to the ownership of all, or any intellectual property rights herein. However, you may Tweet, Facebook or use any other Social Media applications to place any article within this site upon such Social Media domains on the understanding that you do not alter or change the content as it may appear on this site.
Any images that may be upon this site are only used in good faith. The ownership or copyright of (all) such images, will always remain with the legal owner of each and every image that may be used.
If there is anything that is not covered within this page, then please feel free to contact us.
Lastly, if you are from a national newspaper, TV company, or media organisation, and want to use any of the articles or content that may appear on this site, just get in touch and we will be happy to listen!
Privacy policy :
We take the matter of privacy very seriously. As such, any information that you may share wish us through this website/blog such as email or other communications shall remain strictly private and confidential between the sender and ourselves. Further, no such information or email communications will be shared with any third parties without your prior permission and/or written consent, unless we are compelled to do so by any regulatory authority, and they produce the necessary legal documentation compelling us to do so…
We take the appropriate security measures to protect against any unauthorised access to, or any unauthorised alteration, disclosure or destruction of data or any such information that we may hold. However, we are not responsible either morally or legally for any information that you may wish to share with any third parties as a result of any link on this website that you may wish to follow, to any and all external websites, inclusive of any comments that you may make upon any article within this website/blog and the associated email address, twitter link, Facebook link or any other link identifying you.
Additionally, we operate a ‘no spam’ policy, and your email address or any other associated information about you will not be sold by us to any third parties.
Website Visitors
Like most website operators, Proven Quality collects non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. Proven Quality’s purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how Proven Quality’s visitors use its website.
Proven Quality also collects potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Proven Quality does not use such information to identify its visitors, however, and does not disclose such information.
Aggregated Statistics
Proven Quality may collect aggregated statistics about the behaviour of visitors to Proven Quality. However, Proven Quality does not disclose personally-identifying information.
Should you have any queries upon our privacy policy, please feel free to email us.
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